Sunday, June 24, 2012


This weekend was mine and Phil's one year anniversary and we went to Fredericksburg to celebrate. We had a blast! It was our first time there, and the town is so charming. We loved it! Some of our friends joined us the second night to celebrate their anniversary as well. They got married on the same day as us, but they were celebrating their 7 year anniversary. We all had a great time and can't wait to go back.

We stayed at the Angels Above the Creek. Super cute bed in breakfast! Philip picked it and he did a good job :) It was very rustic and had that ranch feel to it. Our kind of style.

 We got a couple massage the first day there. It was Philip's first massage which he loved! It was really cool because they came out to our room and set their tables up in our room upstairs. I snapped this shot real quick while we were undressing lol and they were down stairs waiting for us. Its not the best picture.

So I know my main purpose for this blog is to post my recipes... and I'm sure your wondering what great food we had?! So the first night we went to this really elegant restaurant called August E's and had some great food. They hand cut all their steaks, fly in fish from all over the world and NOTHING is frozen. They use the freshest ingredients and their menu changes depending what is available. They were so nice and gave great service. This place was very fancy and modern. They had some nice art work displayed by local artists. This place was so fancy that you could not use your cell phones in the dinning room. LOL Soooo I couldn't get any pics of the great dishes. But I snuck two pics :))

So this was my first course that I will Recreate one day because it was so unique and DELICIOUS!

Poached pear stuffed with Gorgonzola cheese and fresh spinach salad with toasted pecans. YUM!!

And for our dessert they surprised us with Creme Brulee.:) It was yummy.

Its a Rose =))

So the night went on with our romantic dinner and we went to a local bar after and called it a night. Our friends were coming the next day and couldn't wait to visit the wineries together! Tomorrow awaits...

WE had a BLAST visiting the wineries! We had lunch first at the famous Fredericksburg brewing company. Food was good. I'm not a beer drinker but Philip enjoyed his beer sample. We all went down main street after lunch and then headed to the wineries.


The first winery we visited was the Becker vineyards. We did wine tasting and a had a little private tour and saw how wine was made. It was really NEAT!

These large tanks do the magic process of fermenting the wine. Converting the sugar into alcohol. A very crucial process.. I promise I'm not going to give you all a lesson on how wine is made. Just wanna show some pictures!! LoL :) And those are all the barrels that hold the wine.

Here are some pics of us. Yes the guys are drunk. Us gals are having a good time :) baby Taylor is chillin!! The lady that gave us the samples probably gave us more than our tickets could get us lol!! She loved us. Well the guys!!


That was our favorite sparkling wine from this winery. It had hints of almond. It was very delicious! And those grapes were actually the first harvested.

After a long fun day of wine tasting we went and had dinner at the Cabernet Grill. They had Delicious food! -

Philip and I  =)

OK .. LAST Stop before we left Fredericksburg ... LUCKENBACH. LoL!!
So I have never heard of the town but everyone swore we had to stop and get a T-shirt in Luckenback. There is a famous song apparently about this little town. When I say little... I mean it! LOL

This town was like on a 5 acre lot. And that is it. They have a little gift shop that is VERY old and stunk that also has a bar attached in the back LOL. The guys were upset they couldn't have a beer yet  because it was 11am on a SUNDAY. They have concerts out there and a food stand.. and that's about it. It's pretty redneck if you ask me.

This was hilarious. This cat was passed out on the bench outside the little gift shop. 
A little to much to drink last night cat????

1 comment:

  1. awe... wow you went to luckenbach. you're famous now. the pictures are great. makes me wanna diss my healthy eating and have a glass of wine. :) glad you had a good time. :)
